Tuesday, May 19, 2015

A Mother's Day I'll Never Forget

Saturday May 9th, 2015 
7:33 am - It was just a normal, I have to pee really bad, pregnant morning. I thought I could just lay in bed a little longer and hold it. A few seconds went by, and boy I had to go. I roll myself out of the bed, and off I wobbled. I made it about three steps out of my bedroom, and opps, I think I peed on the floor! I make it to the toilet and wow, I must have really had to go! I stand up, and to my surprise, I'm still peeing... 
"DAD! I THINK MY WATER JUST BROKE!", comes flying out of my mouth! My hearts racing, I'm scared, excited and freaking out all at once! Right away, I call my boyfriend and mother and tell them the news. I order my father around to grab the bags and let's go! The hospital was only about 30 minutes away but felt like hours! 

8:15 am - We finally arrive to the hospital! Pulling into the parking garage I see my mother walking through. Stopped in the middle of the entry way, I jump out, grab my bags and me and mom make our way into the lobby. 

8:30 am - We made our way back to Labor & Delivery quite quickly, where my boyfriend meets us. They take a few test and set my IV's up before placing me in my own room. By this time I'm not dilated one bit. Mom and Dad leave to grab a quick bite to eat, and leave me and Ralph to be. 

9:00 am - I'm all settled into my own room trying to get comfortable and prepare myself for the next few hours I was about to endure! 

10:15 am - Wow, the contractions started to get a little stronger! I perfected my breathing technique to get me through them. They weren't too close together, but they sure weren't far enough apart. Luckily, my boyfriend sat by my side through them all. 

11:00 am - The time finally came, Pitocin. Once they administered, the contractions started coming stronger and quicker!  My prefected breathing quickly went out the window! I wanted to go as long as possible without the epidural as I could; so I requested some type of pain medicine. 

11:30 am - Finally, the good stuff! It didn't take but 1 minute to completely knock me out and drug me out of my mind. I didn't feel a thing. Literally. My face was numb! I couldn't stop laughing and cracking jokes! The sharpness of my contractions were gone, but I could feel the tightness of it all. 

1:00 pm - It was time for my second dose of Pitocin, and the good stuff was wearing off. I was only about 1cm dilated.  I decided it was finally time for the epidural. Unfortunelty, I thought I would still be a little numb from the previous drugs they gave me but was I wrong. They flushed me with fluids, and quickly I could start feeling everything again. Every stabbing, sharp, tightening contraction. 

1:30 pm - Here comes the anesthesiologist. The moment I was dreading more than childbirth. Annie, my nurse, oh Annie, she was the best; Sets me up, all positioned and ready to go. She trades places with my mom, I hunch over, and brace myself for the pain I'm about to feel. The first stick, I flinch, having the anesthesiologist have to prick me again! Annie jumps in and my mom sits down. Possibly one of the most comforting moments I've ever experienced. She grabs my shoulders and quietly calms me down before I get my second prick. I grab her arms and she says out loud, " you grab as tight as you need to!". What felt like 20 minutes, the process is finally over. I'm all taped up  and the epidural is in place. Weeping and sobbing, I'm happy the hard part- or what I thought was the hard part- was finally over. 

3:00 pm - Family is coming in and out. My sister and her boyfriend Damon came and stayed for a little, until my biological Father showed up. It's been quite awhile since I've seen him, and the first time I've seen him since starting his chemotherapy and radiation.. He walks into my room and I break out into tears. He looks terrible. Aged 20 years, and no hair. Annie comes and I calm myself down a little. Time to check again, looks like I'm 3cm dilated. This process was taking longer than I expected. She bumps up my Pitocin a little. My Father stays for some time, and then needs to leave to go home and get some rest. I promise him to call as soon as everything happens.

4:30 pm - Everything has quiet downed a little. It's just me and Ralph at the moment. We flip through the channels and watch a little HGTV. Annie comes in worried a little about Masons heartbeat spiking up and down, and not matching with my contractions. I call for my mom and dad to come back, so they could be there to hear about some of the things they want to do to monitor him a little bit better. Ralph steps out for a little to grab something to eat, poor guy hasn't eaten at all so far that day. 

5:30 pm - While Ralph is out, Annie decided what was best to monitor Mason a little better. They set up a thin monitor through my lady parts, attach a little probe to his head, and also a small monitor inside to watch the contractions. This was definitely a weird feeling. Not to mention, they had to set up a reverse amino fluid, and refill the placenta with liquids.. Great, my water has to break all over again! Literally! Never did I think I'd have so many tubes hanging down there! 

6:00 - Ralph's done eating, and his family is here! They come back for about an hour or two and we sit and chat! Annie checks my progress down there and it looks like I'm about 5cm so far! Time to up the Pitocin again! 

7:00 pm - Switch up! Annie's shift is over and in comes Laura. Sweet, sweet lady! Funny too! 

8:30 pm - It's just me, mom, dad and Ralph. We're watching some NBA, because quite frankly I didn't care what was on and it kept Ralph happy. 

10:30 pm - Time definitely flew by, and I honestly couldn't tell you what it was that we did. I tried my hardest to sleep, but the contractions were getting much stronger and longer. By this time I was about 7cm dilated! 

11:00 pm - In comes Laura. Only 8cm dilated.  "Looks like we are having a Mothers Day baby!", she says! This is where I come to realize, we aren't close to being done. Everything is hurting and I'm ready to get this little guy out of me. I'm crying in pain and begging for more medicine. They decided local anesthesia was the best route. Well were the right or what. That put me to sleep for about an hour. After waking up a little, I have my dad and Ralph's mom both say a prayer over us all. A beautiful moment I wish I could relive. 

Sunday May 10th, 2015
Mother's Day
12:30 - 1:00 am : Well that medicine worked for quite some time, until it was I started to feel what felt like Masons head coming out of me! I went from the happiest patient, to possibly the craziest! Screaming, "He's coming!", "I need to push!!" Thankfully, at the moment I didn't think so, but Laura urged me not to push, told me if I held on a little, everything would be easier when the time came! All we were waiting for really was my Dr to get out of a C-section to come deliver me! I screamed for the on-call dr, little did I know... He was freaking Father Time! 

1:00 am - BAM! In comes Gina! Gowning up, and ready to go! The nurses start taking all of the tubes out of my pearl down there, and start putting up the leg hoisters. I throw my legs up, and and brace myself for possible one of the hardest things I will ever have to do. The position me properly, hands pulling thighs closer towards me, and I get the cue! 

1:13 am - Push!!! Breath!!! Push!!! Breath!! PUSH!!!! I screamed, I cried, I screamed and I cried some more! "You're almost there, a few more pushes and he's here!" 

1:19 am - Mason Carter Wright, 7lb 2oz, 21in. My baby boy, my precious baby boy made his grand entrance into this world! Tears flowing, while happiness fills the room. 

The birth of my child was one of the most beautiful experiences I have ever experienced in my entire life. A memory I will never forget. I was blessed enough to be surrounded by so many loved ones to help make this one of the most beautiful moments of my entire life.